News from November Meetings
A few news items from this months meetings:
Meet the elected 2018 Riverview board of directors. These are your neighbors who volunteer A LOT of time to maintain and improve the HOA community. Many thanks to Bob Z who served last couple years and has rolled off the board. Bruce is the *new* addition.
Bruce Tognetti (camera shy)
Greg Gibbons (camera shy)
Joan Roussseau (camera shy)
Jim Vick
The Saturday morning YOGA class held in the clubhouse has been cancelled for the remainder of the year.
Your social committee is gearing up to put on the LAST community event for the year — the annual Holiday Party on Saturday, December 2. If you are unable to attend but are available to help set up, contact the social committee. Watch for more details in a future flyer or on this site.
The Riverview HOA standing committees are always in need of repeat or new volunteers. Please consider joining a committee(s). Contact anyone on the board of directors or send an email using the CONTACT US feature on this site and it’ll be forwarded to the board.
Not ‘news’ but applies to this site, if you are a homeowner who has registered for access to the website homeowners section AND you forgot you username OR forgot your password, fear no more. At the bottom of the website home page,, tap on “Forgot?”. On the next page you can reset your password and/or retrieve your chosen username.