Timely Updates
- Per the Pool Committee, the spa thermistor is broken, there is a minor leak in the pump room; there is a broken pool filter clamp and replacements parts are no longer available requiring a new pool filter clamp. While the Board has approved pool repairs, it remains unlikely the spa will open and the pool heated before the end of the October 31 closing.
- Next month’s annual Riverview homeowners meeting will start at 7 p.m., not 6 p.m. as previously announced. The regular Board of Directors meeting will immediately following the homeowners meeting.
- On 10/25/2019, the City of Healdsburg announced a shut off of power in the Fitch Mountain area starting at 7 p.m. Saturday, October 26. Visit their website for location and other details: https://www.ci.healdsburg.ca.us/AlertCenter.aspx?AID=19 .